Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart... Jeremiah 1:5

Sunday, October 24, 2010

A New World

Writing.  It opens up worlds of adventure, of romance, of thought and inspiration.  Writing has been something that I have loved, something that at times I have hated, and at times have just been left a puddle of reflection at the end of a string of letters.  Letters, that seperated mean absoutely nothing; but together they can change a life.  Either of the reader but more often than not those letters change the life of the writer.

Here is a glimpse into my life.  A life that is full of hope, of promise, of goals and dreams.  I am entering with both feet a world of blogging to share my heart with those of you that care to read, with those that might need a smile, a laugh, or perhaps just a few minutes away from whatever it is you might be going through.
I am a mom of two very active girls.  I am a wife to a wonderful man that seems to never run out of patience. I am a daughter to two people that love life with a vengeance.  I am a sister to four siblings that truly help complete her life.  I am a friend to those that are willing to let her love them and love her in return.

I recently completed a book that tells you to dream big and dream often.  To get those goals out there and to keep them in front of you.  In the book the author talks about the power of words and the power of your dreams and goals to guide and direct your life.  So, perhaps this "blog" will give me an outlet to share my dreams and remind me to dream big and to keep those dreams and goals in front of me.

To be completely honest blogging is a huge stretch for my personality.  Sharing my opinions or even my heart in such a public forum is kind of intimidating.  I mean, what if you, the reader, don't like what I write?  What if you think my grammar is up there with that of an elementary student?  What if you don't like me?  And yet after this past month and finding a book that has opened my eyes to a whole other world I have decided that it is time for me to push beyond that fear.  So, to you, the reader, I don't entirely care if you don't like what I write.  I don't care if you think I have awful grammar.  As much as I want EVERYONE to like me I am nudging to the point that it doesn't matter.  Notice I didn't say I am there yet.  But I am getting there.  And perhaps you can be there with me as I journey to more confidence, to more dreams, and more goals.

So, I would like to thank you in advance for reading.  For allowing me to share some of my life with you.  In life my goal is to be as genuine and kind and open as I can. And that is what you can expect from me here.  I have never blogged before and am not entirely sure how it works so please have patience with me.  But my hope is that you can see that life is meant to be fun, life is meant to be shared, and life is most of all good.


  1. Yay! Welcome to blogging! I can tell you are a beautiful writer, and I can't wait to follow along with you in this new adventure.

  2. how wonderful! I think you are an amazing writer! I can not wait to read all of your wonderful things. You are so genuine and humble I am so blessed to be touched by the things you write
